Friday, July 8, 2011

10 Killer Youth gruesome story

In this era Many parents are increasingly wondering whether they are raising a future serial killer? Because many incidents involving weapons at school that led to the deaths among the other children. Hopefully with some of these cases will make every parent would be able to evaluate their ability to memahaami to the core issues of their children.

 1. Tim Kretschmer

 A teenager of 17 years went to former high school in Winnenden, Germany on March 11, 2009 and fatalpun incident happened, he shot and killed nine students, three teachers and three bystanders before mejedorkan gun to his own head. He is recovering from psychiatric treatment for depression when the shooting occurred. The day before the shooting occurred, Kretschmer announced his plans on the internet chatroom. The value that failed to make it to pursue a possible trigger for this action.

2. Jeffrey Weise

On March 21, 2005, Jeffrey Weise (16) killed his grandfather and his grandfather's girlfriend. He went to school with his grandfather's police car where he opened fire and killed five students, a teacher and a security guard before firing the gun on himself. The cause of action is mainly because he was often humiliated and harassed.

3. Dylan Klebold dan Eric Harris

Along with Dylan Klebold Eric Harris went to Columbine High School on April 20, 1999 and injured 12 classmates and a teacher trainer. 21 others were injured in the shooting, many of them are injured and disabled by these events.

Harris and Klebold are individuals who feel depressed. They bullied at school, where he studied. Video of the incident by both students illustrates that events that occurred at Columbine High School on 20 April 1999 deliberately planned for months.
Diary in the room they also describe dissatisfaction with life and school.

4. Kelly Ellard

Reena Virk 14 years old are often ostracized and bullied by others at his school. He often tried to be accepted by others. He smoked marijuana, drank alcohol and did not comply with his family to look cool.

On November 14, 1997, Virk was invited to a party near Craigflower Bridge where he consumes too much alcohol.

While there, he dicecar by a group of eight teenagers who harassed and mocked him.
Kelly Ellard and Warren Glowatski, two members of a group of teens, began to follow Virk as she walked away. Ellard and Glowatski beat Virk and forced him to remove his shoes.
Ellard, who was 15 years old at the time, immersed Virk until he dies.

During the trial, Ellard known for his sarcasm and frequent rages. He failed to realize the burden of his actions. After three trials, Ellard was sentenced to life imprisonment in 2005 with the possibility of parole in 7 years.

5. Joshua Phillips

 Joshua Phillips was Convicted for murdering his missing 8 year old neighbor, Maddie Clifton in 1998. Joshua Phillips was convicted of killing his neighbor Maddie Clifton 8-year-old who was reported missing in 1998. Her mother found the corpse plastered in bed seven days after Clifton Phillips lost. Phillips was sentenced to life imprisonment without possibility of parole. He never stated why he committed murder.

 6. Eric Smith

Eric Smith was 13 years old convicted of battery and stuffed hit a 4-year-old son to death in 1994. He went on to act sodomipada boy of 4 years with his stick and he inflicted great stones remuk.Smith upada little body that sentenced at least 9 years in prison for second degree murder.
He's still in jail and request a guarantee for free five times rejected. Ridicule is used as an excuse for barbaric behavior of Smith.

7. Lionel Tate

12-year-old boy was admitted to imitate a wrestling move when he beat to death a 6-year-old girl in 1999.

He also claimed that he had locked position before the girl's head banged into the table. Though a brilliant student, Tate is known for his temperamental behavior and often stealing and he had been suspended from school 15 times.

He was sentenced to life imprisonment in 2001 for first degree murder. When his case be reviewed in 2004, he was released. Defense believes that a mental competency test must be done before the trial. He is now 10 years of probation and wear an ankle monitor.

8. Michael Slobodian
Michael Slobodian 16 years entered Highschool Brampton on May 28, 1975 with two guns in his guitar case. After failing physics, Slobodian want revenge.
He entered the bathroom the boy where he killed John Slinger.

He went on to kill his pleasure in the art room where he killed a teacher of English. He committed suicide in the hallway near the art room. Cathy and Nancy Davis, daughter of former Prime Minister William Davis', witnessed the event.

9. Mary Bell

This 11-year kid was charged with murder by strangling two boys aged 3 and 4 years. Unlike the first murder incident, the second is done by a friend, Norma Bell. Bell carve "N" with a razor blade in the victim's abdomen.
He then took the victim's hair cut, slice thinly and cut the victim's legs penis victims.

Bell came from a broken family. His mother was a prostitute who was not present in Bell's life. In 1980, Bell was released from prison and granted anonymity.
 10. Jon Venables & Robert Thomson
 Jon Venables and Robert Thomson of two 10-year-old boy kidnapped, killed and tortured children aged 2 years tJames bulges in 1993. Venables and Thomson skipping school and on February 12, 1993 chose to watch the kids at the New Strand Shopping Centre. They approached the bulges as her mother was shopping and a bit apart from his mother
When running with Thompson and Venables, small bulges often dropped repeatedly. Many people - people see Venables, Thompson, with bulges but people - people think the three of them brothers
The killing occurred on the railway where Venables and Thomson sexually abused and physically to the bulges. In the end, they laid bulges on the railroads and covered the body with a brick before the train arrived.
On 24 November 1993, Venables and Thompson was found guilty and sent to prison. In 2001, both were released because the parole board feels they have learned with their experience. But in 2010, Venables was arrested again on charges seriously.

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