Friday, July 8, 2011

Getting bitten by ants Bullets like a bullet Shot

The clavata Paraponera is a special title to animals having the most painful sting. Also called bullet ants because it is said that they were biting like a shot.

 Ants, which are found in Nicaragua and Paraguay, reaching up to 25 mm and live at the base of the tree. It was first described by Joseph Charles Bequaert (1886-1982). It is said that the pain is felt can be 30 times that of a wasp sting. In fact many are describing as a "wave of burning pain and throbbing that does not stop within 24 hours" or "Pure, intense, brilliant pain. Similar to walking on hot coals with a seven-inch needle stuck on your heel."
Entomologist Justin Schmidt makes the pain scale ranged from 1 to 4, where the first level of classification would be a wasp sting. While fire ants and the Africanization of honey bees is a pain factor 1.2 and 2, respectively, reaching Paraponera factor 4.

The cause of this pain is a neurotoxin, poneratoxina, the main active compound in the venom, as described in the early 1990s when investigating natural materials that can be used in insecticides. Block impulse poneratoxina insect central nervous system and is an agonist that causes contraction of long duration in mammals. Some sources say it will take approximately 30 bites per kilogram to be fatal. Fortunately, this poison is only given if you feel uncomfortable or threatened, always alert by emitting a musky-smelling substance.
In addition to color, bites also have more consequences include a fever that may last three days or necrosis of the affected area. Other signs and symptoms include severe pain in the bitten area, swelling, tremors, sweating, nausea, increased temperature and paralysis. The second bite may cause fatal anaphylactic shock, which does not seem to care about Satere-Mawe tribe.

The Satere-Mawe is a tribe of Amazonian forests that have a distinctive ritual of courage. In the ritual, a young man must have their hands full Paraponera gloves. If you pass the test, young people will become soldiers. The drawback is that it should receive the amount of not less than 20 bites.

The Indians have been using ants as a treatment for rheumatism and related disorders for centuries. Surprisingly, jaw ants that act as stitches, to close the wound, while saliva and skin inflammation cover tightly.

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